Athletic Eligibility with Abre

Soccer Ball

Many schools set eligibility requirements for students on sports teams. Some examples include:

  • Passing current classes with a C or higher
  • Passing classes in the previous term
  • Attendance
  • Behavior

Coaches don’t necessarily have an easy way of knowing how their players perform in the classroom. The most common method we see is a sheet of paper that goes from teacher to teacher. The hope is that a player fills it out and that they don’t fudge numbers or signatures. Or coaches might send out an email hoping for responses.

Both ways are laborious and a hassle.

Eligibility Made Easy

With Abre, coaches pull up the eligibility dashboard and know which players might need more mentoring to stay eligible. All of this is in real-time.

How is this possible?

As a data solution and as a one-stop shop, Abre receives or generates all the necessary data points for athletic eligibility. Abre empowers coaches to create caseloads of players in real-time that reflect eligibility in the visualizations and dashboard.


What if your coaches aren’t teachers or typical staff members? You need a way to safely, secularly, and with family permission (FERPA) to share student information. Abre does this through our Partners App.

Abre helps coaches know the eligibility of their players with a simple click. We give time back and provide greater efficiency for school sports.

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