October 2024: Product Updates

Most of the October updates featured improvements to Abre’s “Portrait of a Graduate” framework. Abre gives a clear, accurate picture of students’ progress toward achieving graduation readiness standards over the course of their academic careers.

Quick Context: What is “Portrait of a Graduate”?


Portfolio Advisors

Students can now select other staff members as “Portfolio Advisors”. This expands the number of adults who can evaluate portfolio artifacts. Prior to this update, a portfolio advisor was the same as a wellness advisor. Now, these roles can be separated.

Exporting Portfolios

Portfolios can now be exported as .Zip files. When students graduate or leave their district, they can export their portfolio and artifacts.

Attach Any File to a Portfolio Artifact

Students and staff can upload various attachments to their portfolio artifacts. We’ve added an attachment feature to the editor. Students can add many types of files to their artifact. They can also link to the their Google Drive.


“Portfolio” notifications are now available. You can enable:

  1. When an artifact is approved
  2. When feedback is provided
  3. When an artifact is waiting for approval
  4. When an artifact is deleted

Portfolio Templates

Portfolio Templates can be created by schools. Portfolio Templates are a feature in Abre that allows you to create pre-defined portfolio structures for students. This feature promotes consistency and guides students in creating portfolios, especially for specific purposes like Portrait of a Graduate portfolios.

Additional Updates in this Release

  1. OneRoster CSV (SFTP) import is now available for core integration files.
  2. Schools can now retrieve plans for unenrolled students via the Abre interface.

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