The data is concerning.
If you’re an educator who has spent time analyzing assessment results, you can likely attest to the anxiety associated with the red.

iReady Results in Abre Insights.
The image above reflects a year over year of English Language Arts proficiency, with lots and lots of red. Red indicates that learners are two or more levels below grade level proficiency. As an education leader, this data is a call to action.
Quick decision: Add a one-hour block of intervention time every week.
And then we can consider the additional complexities: What type of intervention? How will these interventions be monitored? How will differentiation occur?
Before all that, a key question needs to be asked.
When? When should they offer the one-hour block?
Simple questions should be simple to answer. The answer is easy: They should offer the intervention block on the day of the week when most students attend school.
But finding that day is NOT simple. It frequently means calling up the person who runs school attendance, downloading data from the student information system, and then (likely) manipulating data in a spreadsheet.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. With Abre, simple truly is easy. Your connected insights are one click away.

Wednesday. Wednesday is the Day.
That’s how decision-making should run. On point. Fast. Accurate. Few hoops to jump through. And then move on to the next decision.
Abre lets schools focus on what matters: Growing students.