For schools, surveys provide an excellent way to gather information from their stakeholders such as students, staff, and family members. A variety of tools and methods exist to perform surveys. But they all have tradeoffs – especially the complexities of a school’s technology stack.
Not so with Abre. Because we bring most of your technology tools into a one-stop shop experience, school surveys become an easy experience. As a bonus, you can combine your survey data with other school data to obtain decisive insights.
Here’s how.
The Scenario
Franklin City School District—our hypothetical district—wants its students to complete a School Climate and Culture Survey. Their immediate goal is to obtain results from 95% of their middle and high school students. Their end goal is to take survey results and craft strategies for improving climate and culture.
The How: Building a Survey
Franklin will use two components of Abre to run the survey.
The Abre Forms App
This App works like Google Forms and allows schools to build surveys.
An Abre Headline
A headline is a method of delivery that ensures nearly 100% compliance.
We have a School and Climate Survey available to our customers in the Abre Marketplace. We’ll be using that for this example.
Curious to Use Our Culture and Climate Survey?
Check out this survey in our marketplace.
The workflow is as follows:
- Build the survey (or use our already-created survey)
- Create a headline and assign it to middle and high school students
- Attach the survey to the headline
- Set a launch date
The Deployment: Setting Abre as your Homepage
We recommend customers set Abre as their homepage. There are MANY benefits to setting Abre as your homepage (to see how, check out this post). But for this use case, the benefit is that you’re guaranteed to get nearly 100% response rates. Here’s how:
- A student logs into their device. If a school sets the homepage to Abre, they’ll automatically be in Abre.
- A headline takes over their screen
- They complete this survey
The Data: What is Possible
Data is automatically tallied and graphed in the forms app.

But there’s a bonus capability.
A district might do a data project with Abre that combines survey results with other variables such as:
- Attendance
- Grades
- Behavior
A larger project results in a more comprehensive understanding of culture and climate.

The Now What: Actions to Take (The Strategy)
What should Franklin City Schools do with the results?
This is an area Abre can help as well. For example, the survey showed the need to provide more support for students in the form of clubs and mentor groups.
As such, Franklin City Schools decides to use Abre’s Partners App that creates a comprehensive catalog of clubs and groups.